I, hereby consent to receiving perineal massage services at CK BIDAN . I understand and agree to the following as below;

I understand that perineal massage is a professional massage therapy aimed at relieving tension, increasing blood flow, and promoting relaxation in the perineal area.
I voluntarily choose to receive perineal massage services and understand that the service may involve physical contact with my perineal area.
I acknowledge that BIDAN Therapist (Name As Below) is a qualified and certified professional therapist with the necessary qualifications and experience to provide perineal massage services.
I understand and agree that my personal privacy will be respected. I consent to CK BIDAN taking appropriate measures to ensure that my privacy is respected and protected during the massage process.
I acknowledge that, as a customer, I have the right to withdraw my consent at any time and request the cessation of perineal massage services.
I understand and assume the risks associated with perineal massage services. I agree that CK BIDAN and its staff shall not be held liable for any reasonable and professional actions during the massage process.

I hereby acknowledge that I have fully understood and consented to the above terms and willingly agree to receive perineal massage services provided by CK BIDAN.